What is right around the corner? National Radiologic Technology Week! It is the week we celebrate the vital work of imaging professionals. The first NRTW was held July 22-29, 1979, but was moved to the week around November 8th to commemorate the anniversary of the discovery of xrays by Wilhelm Roentgen on Nov 8th, 1895.
How are you celebrating this special week? Let us know with stories and pictures. We would love to see what our fellow technologists are doing to celebrate.
As President of the MSRT, I am grateful to our membership, committee chairs and board. Many have stepped up to spread the word of the MSRT and devoted much of their personal time to increase membership, membership benefits, and give us a fresh new look. What a great way to celebrate our 75 years as a society!
Thank you for all you do!
Jessica Nachreiner
MSRT President